Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Caregiving and Intentions

I don't know what I intended when I first started this blog.  Completely inexperienced, I intended to write a little every day.  Then it went to every few days.  I soon realized that, as a full time care giver as well as being employed full time I couldn't fit the time or energy needed to keep this up.  Now it's become just a launching place for getting my art on Pinterest and a place for me to give voice to feelings that I used to post on Facebook.  I came to the understanding (slowlyl, I admit) that "friends" on Facebook don't want regular updates on things that aren't going well or are painful.  They want to see what makes them laugh or feel good but don't truly want to share your life.  I suddenly realized how completely alone I am in all this.  People don't want to know that you're so physically and emotionally exhausted that you can fall asleep standing up...but you don't dare!  They don't care to share when you cry from the pain of watching a loved one's slow painful deterioration...your sense of utter helplessness to do anything to relieve their pain or make things better. 

So I'll talk to you Dear Diary.  It helps.